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A paralegal can help you fight a traffic ticket or a speeding ticket.


Almost 95 per cent of traffic tickets go uncontested.


A speeding ticket, an impaired driving ticket, or a failing to stop ticket are very serious. Not only will they cause your car insurance to dramatically increase, you will lose demerit points. Lose enough demerit points and you could face a drivers license suspension. If you use your car for work, this could be extremely serious. If you are a business owner, you could even lose your business.


Instead, it is very worthwhile to contest and defend your driving record.


If you receive a traffic ticket and want to fight it or the law requires you to appear in court, don’t show up alone. After all, the province will have a lawyer before the judge prosecuting you so you need Kumar the Paralegal defending your rights.


Often, local police or the OPP fail to follow established procedures and even the law when citing a motorist. Only a trained and experienced legal representativeKumar the Paralegalknows how to question an arresting officer and uncover irregularities and inconsistencies written in the ticket and even in their testimony.


Kumar represents clients when they risk demerit points, a license suspension or losing their license and having their car insurance rates go up if they have been charged with a:


  • Speeding ticket

  • Impaired driving ticket (alcohol and other drugs)

  • Distracted driving ticket (such as texting or checking email while driving)

  • Reckless driving ticket

  • Careless driving ticket

  • Dangerous driving ticket

  • Aggressive driving ticket

  • Stunt driving ticket

  • Seat belt ticket

  • Any other traffic offense that does not involve personal injury or loss of life

If you have received a traffic ticket, call Kumar the Paralegal at 647-342-4731 (office) or 647-409-5442 (mobile) now about your case.


Free consultation

A traffic ticket, a speeding ticket, or an impaired driving ticket can mean license suspension.
A traffic ticket will cost you demerit points and will cause your car insurance premiums to increase dramatically.
Defend your driving record.

© 2015 by Kumar the Paralegal.  All rights reserved.

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